
May 19, 2011
Contact: Scot Rutledge, (702) 561-9093

Heller Votes against Loans for Crescent Dunes Solar Project; Votes for Big Oil Subsidies

NEVADA – On Thursday, Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that Tonopah Solar, a subsidiary of SolarReserve, will receive a guaranteed loan for the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project in Nye County.  This project will create 600 jobs in Nevada and produce enough electricity to power 75,000 homes during peak usage.  While in the House of Representatives, Dean Heller voted to cut the renewable energy loan guarantee program which supports private sector investments in clean energy. [House Vote #147, 2/19/11].   However, Senator Heller continues to support the $4 billion taxpayer funded subsidies for oil companies.  [House Vote #153, 3/1/11; House Vote #277, 4/15/11; Senate Vote #72, 5/17/11].

Executive Director of the Nevada Conservation League Scot Rutledge released the following statement questioning Senator Heller’s opposition to loan guarantees for renewable energy projects in Nevada in contrast to his continued support for handouts to oil company:

“Rebuilding Nevada’s economy requires a continued investment in clean energy.  The Nevada Conservation League supports providing loan guarantees for projects like Solar Reserve’s Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project. This project creates 600 jobs in Nevada that cannot be shipped overseas, and because these are loan guarantees and not tax-payer funded subsidies, Crescent Dunes proves to be a very smart investment in clean energy for Nevada.  Will Senator Heller change his position on renewable energy loan guarantees, or will he continue to oppose investment in renewable energy in Nevada while supporting taxpayer funded subsidies for Big Oil?”

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