Trump’s rollback of the #WOTUS will impact Nevadans

Posted by: Angelyn Tabalba Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Newsroom


Nonetheless, environmental groups say strong federal oversight of bodies of water is needed even if Nevada’s state laws adequately protect its own water. That’s because many Nevadans get their drinking water from interstate waterways, such as the Colorado River or Truckee River, said Nevada Conservation League Executive Director Andy Maggi.

The Clean Water Rule established uniformly strong protections for such waterways, thereby ensuring contaminants wouldn’t enter Nevada from neighboring states with potentially weaker water pollution laws, Maggi explained.

“Ninety percent of Nevadans’ drinking water comes from a river that flows through another state,” Maggi said. “Therefore, all of the tributaries in those other states and all of the streams … can impact our drinking water.”

Miranda Wilson at the Las Vegas Sun is covering the story there. Click here to read her full story…

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