Nevada’s Attorney General files bogus brief on the Clean Power Plan

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By Noah Long | February 24, 2016

Nevada’s Governor Brian Sandoval recently joined 16 other states and a bipartisan coalition of Governors, to commit to advancing clean energy. The accord recognizes the challenge Americans face from climate change: “Current challenges also demand these new energy solutions. Extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, wildfires and sea-level rise, can negatively impact electric reliability and the economy.” And seeks clean energy opportunities to address these challenges: “Embracing new energy solutions can provide more durable and resilient infrastructure, and enable economic growth, while protecting the health of our communities and natural resources. These improvements will help secure a safe and prosperous future for our country.” Nevada is not without controversy on renewable energy. Recent decisions by the state utility commission have spurred major protests, but these actions show Sandoval recognizes clean energy is a major opportunity in the state.

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