
Breathe Easy Nevada, an expansion of our Rebuild Nevada campaign, is focused on defending the rights of every Nevadan to live a healthy life by protecting our air and water while promoting clean energy to replace older, dirtier forms of energy.

This campaign could not come at a more important time.
The EPA, an administrative agency staffed by scientists that regulates and enforces pollution standards in order to protect our health, is under attack.  Members of Congress propose cutting the EPA’s budget by as much as a third and blocking the EPA from enforcing commonsense safeguards to curb pollution and protect public health.

One safeguard at risk, The Clean Air Act, saved an estimated 160,000 Americans from a premature death in 2010 and prevented another 1.7 million cases of asthma exacerbation.

These are the same members of Congress who give billions of dollars in tax-payer funded subsidies to Big Oil companies- like ExxonMobil, BP, and Shell– the same oil companies announcing skyrocketing profits while we pay more and more at the pump.

Here in Nevada, we take this assault on public health personally. We take our tax dollars seriously.  We’re building grassroots support for the EPA, for a green economy, and for our allies who help protect the air we breathe and invest in renewable energy industries.

Please join our fight.  Visit www.rebuildnevada.org to sign up and stay informed.

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